Jan 20, 2024
The Townhall Muda Desamind Series in Pengkok, Gunungkidul, served as a pivotal platform, bringing together diverse stakeholders to discuss and promote local initiatives aligned with global Sustainable Development Goals, emphasizing the crucial roles of youth and women in fostering community-driven leadership and empowerment.
The Townhall Muda Desamind Series, hosted in Pengkok village, Gunungkidul, holds great significance within the Desamind scholarship program. The event aims to showcase the social projects undertaken by scholarship awardees, garner support for program implementation, and foster collaboration. The series played a pivotal role in bringing together a diverse array of participants, including housewives, youth, members of the Desamind Indonesia Foundation, the Gunungkidul chapter, and students from esteemed institutions such as UNY and UPY.
Two distinguished speakers, Mr. Riyanto M. M and Mrs. Wiwik Hikmawati Wulandari, graced the event. Mr. Riyanto, a civil servant and chairman of POKDARWIS Gunung Ireng, underscored the essence of leadership, encapsulating it in three principles: momor, momot, and momong. According to Javanese philosophy, momor signifies a leader's ability to integrate with the community, momot involves accommodating the aspirations of the people, and momong highlights the importance of guiding the community like a parent.
The overarching theme of the Townhall Muda Desamind Series in Pengkok was "Youth and Women's Involvement in Accelerating the Achievement of Village SDGs." This theme aligns with the global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – a comprehensive plan agreed upon by world leaders to address poverty, reduce inequality, and protect the environment. To integrate these global goals into local communities, the Ministry of Village, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration (Kemendes PDTT) issued Regulation No. 13 of 2020. This regulation prioritizes the use of village funds in 2021, focusing on SDGs achievement efforts at the village level. The event aimed to underscore the importance of grassroots efforts in achieving these ambitious development goals.
Khoiruddin Nur Wahid, mentor of Putri Felita Listiani, shared his thoughts on the challenges faced in the current era, particularly in the VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity) environment. He expressed hope that the youth, including those in Pengkok, could emerge as local heroes, driving positive change in their communities. He invoked the Indonesian proverb that signifies the collective impact of local efforts, stating that the brilliance of Indonesia is not solely dependent on the lights in Jakarta but on the candles in the villages.

The Townhall Muda Desamind Series in Pengkok, Gunungkidul, successfully brought together diverse stakeholders to discuss and promote local initiatives aligned with global SDGs. By emphasizing the role of youth and women in these efforts, the event served as a platform for collaboration and inspiration, fostering a sense of community-driven leadership and empowerment within the rural setting.
This article was written by Gabriella Anindyacitta S. B.